Housing Associations and Leadline
Leadline is an inbound and outbound independent call centre providing a number of telephone based services that are tailored and relevant to housing associations.
The 6 standards set out by the TSA in April 2010 mean that every housing association is under pressure to:
- Prove that customer feedback is being regularly collected
- Provide evidence that customer opinions are being actively sought
- Be accountable for taking action on the feedback
A challenge indeed! However....
Outsource your repair monitoring calls and see the difference
With an outsourced expert like Leadline:
- You can tailor repair monitoring calls to gather customer feedback
- All information is gathered independently - you can't argue with the results
- You can add questions at a moment's notice to get feedback on specific issues
- Call handlers are skilled and conversational rather than over-scripted and mechanical
"with Leadline we can count 100% on the feedback from our customers"
Outbound calls
Monitoring repairs - Leadline can call your customers on an individual or agreed sample basis to gather feedback from your customers. The information is reported to you in a format of your choice so that you can analyse the results.
Satisfaction and feedback - customer surveys can be added into repair monitoring, or this can be carried out as a completely separate campaign. Surveys can be used to poll your customers on specific issues from anti-social behaviour to care for the elderly.
Inbound calls
Virtual receptionist - Leadline can handle your incoming calls and transfer those calls within your organisation. Also how do you manage calls out of hours?...more info
Customer lines - A dedicated line can be set up just for your customers to report repairs, or for any other purpose - this can be an 0800, 0844, 0845 number or any geographic number you choose...more about numbers
more about customer surveys...
the difference between in-house and independent surveys