Mail Order
Leadline is an established call centre that has been supporting mail order companies for more than 20 years. So what do Leadline do?
- Provide a dedicated line for you to divert your calls
- Provide a non-geographic number, 0800, 0844, 0845 number for you to advertise as a sales order line
- Handle calls on an overflow basis when you're busy or Leadline can take all your calls
- Upsell and promote offers to increase your average sales order
- Process orders online or in any other format
- Support trade orders as well as mail order
- Process vouchers and coupons
Leadline processes your telephone sales from overflow calls or they can set up a dedicated sales order line providing you with a geographic number from any part of the UK or a non-geographic number, 0800, 0844, 0845 number. Orders are processed online or via a VPN link to your own sales ordering platform. Full postcode software is used to ensure to make sure that customer addresses are accurate to Royal Mail standards.
Upselling and promotions are important to increase the sales order value and Leadline is experienced in this area, proactively improving average sales revenue.
You may offer a service where customers place orders via a voucher or coupon. Leadline will process these orders for you and will also bank cheques. A postal address is provided.
Customer service letters and emails
Leadline can respond to your customer letters and emails. An FAQ process is normally agreed upon with templates of responses. Letters are sent on your own letterheads with copies retained and archived and email responses are sent to customers from an email address in your own company name. Therefore your customers will not be aware that this is outsourced.
Trade orders
As well as receiving orders from members of the public you may also have orders from trade. Leadline can set up a separate incoming line for you to keep trade orders separate. In addition, Leadline's outbound team can call your trade customers to generate more business. Upselling and promotions are also an important parts of this activity.
For further details please contact us by telephone on 01666 511470 or by email to