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Voucher, Coupon or Website Submission Processing

If you run a business that offers discounts, promotions or special offers to your customers, you may want to collect their contact details and preferences for future marketing purposes. One way to do this is to use vouchers, coupons or website submissions that invite your customers to return some information to you in exchange for a benefit.

Vouchers and coupons are physical or digital tokens that can be redeemed for a product or service at a lower price or for free. They usually have an expiration date and some terms and conditions. Website submissions are online forms that customers can fill out on your website or via email to express their interest in your offer or request more information.

Regardless of the method you choose, you need to have a system in place to process the data you receive from your customers. This can help you improve your customer relationship management (CRM), increase your sales and grow your brand awareness. Here are some steps you can follow to process vouchers, coupons and website submissions effectively:

  • Collect the data. You need to have a way to receive and store the data from your customers. This can be done manually or automatically, depending on the volume and complexity of the data. For vouchers and coupons, you may need to scan or enter the codes into a database. For website submissions, you may need to use a web service or an email client that can capture and organize the data.
  • Validate the data. You need to check if the data you receive is accurate and complete. This can help you avoid fraud, errors and duplicates. You can use various tools and techniques to validate the data, such as verification codes, captcha tests, email confirmation links, etc.
  • Populate the database. You need to transfer the data from your collection system to your main database. This can help you integrate the data with your existing CRM system and analyze it for insights. You can use various software and applications to populate the database, such as spreadsheets, SQL queries, APIs, etc.
  • Contact the submitter. You need to acknowledge and thank your customers for their responses. This can help you build trust and loyalty with them and encourage them to take action on your offer or request. You can use various channels and methods to contact the submitter, such as phone calls, emails, text messages, social media messages, etc.

For further details please contact us by telephone at 01666 511470 or by email at